The Heath offers fully serviced office space, suitable for all business sizes and sectors. Whether you need a small start-up space suitable for 1-2 people or a larger space to accommodate your team we have something to offer.
Site facilities are a short walk and include Heath Cafe with business lounge, Events Hall, Conference Centre with meeting rooms and a 120 seat lecture theatre, Heath Gym, x2 site reception points, Engineering Hub, Mail Room and Goods Inward Centre and not forgetting free car parking which is available for all residents and visitors.
Our fully serviced licence fees are comprehensive and include:
Flexible licence terms and adaptable space are available at The Heath. It is easy to grow or contract your space when needed – simply choose your next room size and our team will relocate you – your business address remains the same.
The Heath campus currently accommodates a variety of business sectors, from engineering consultancy through to NHS and social care, from creative and digital agencies to recruitment and training organisations and many science based organisations from the life science, chemistry, advanced manufacturing and environmental sectors, to name but a few.
We will work closely with you to deliver the best solution for your business, in the most cost-effective way.
Small Office Space:
Medium Office Space:
Large Office Space:
Current availability:
Units from 134 sq.ft to 5000 sq.ft
To discuss your space requirements, please contact Sales & Marketing Manager Lesley Banks:
T: 01928 515988