Heath Resident Commission Scheme

Do you know SOG has a commission scheme in place where you can earn extra cash for your business (or for yourself) for any successful new business introductions?

SOG offers all resident businesses or individuals a 10% commission payment* for the successful introduction of new businesses to The Heath. It is a simple process:

  1. Contact: lesley.banks@sog.ltd.uk and provide the business details (contact name, email address or phone number).
  2. Lesley will email a form to you for completion and signature.
  3. Return the form to Lesley in Room 411, Science Centre.
  4. Lesley will then contact the business and invite them to visit The Heath to view space.
  5. If the business decides to take space at The Heath then you will be eligible for a commission payment!

*You/your business is responsible for declaring any commission income to the tax office.

SOG will pay you a 10% commission for all office and laboratory space introductions, based on the value of the first 12 months licence fee. Any licence term less than 12 months will be paid pro-rata. Commission is payable on fixed term licence commitment periods only (ie. a defined start and end date).  

For example: an office with an annual licence fee of £5000 would mean a commission of £500.

In the event of a large commission award, lump sum payments will be capped at £10,000.00, with the balance being paid over the following eleven months.

The scheme does not apply to the re-introduction of previous Heath residents.

We would love to hear from you if you know anyone who is looking for space.

Thank you